About this document

The information in this document is curated. The editor has made a rather subjective interpretation about what work might have public policy aspects.

Oftentimes work in the IETF may not have immediate impact on public policy. In fact, given the building block nature of IETF specification the effect of those building blocks may only be obvious after they have been deployed on the Internet as part of bigger systems or services. That makes identification of potential public policy impact harder. Sometimes public policy aspects may be obvious from the initial description of the work. In other cases a possible indication for (public) policy questions might be if a certain amount of control or visibility of the network changes from one entity to another.

In this document we include all BoFs that are organized for a certain meeting. Even though a BoF may not trigger any of the criteria loosely described in the previous paragraph, they are good meetings to see any issues surface.

Working groups that are clearly technical building blocks and do not have any identifiable public policy angles are not mentioned. For the working groups that are mentioned we have tried to indicate, with the keywords, where public policy issues might arise - if only during the use of the technical building blocks when designing and implementing systems.

This document is a living document. We try to update the information shortly before an IETF meeting, but may push new versions in between meetings too.

Readers are encouraged to contribute by using GitHub's collaboration tools or by sending mail to the editor (kolkman@isoc.org).

Alternatively, you can contribute using GitHub collaboration tools. The repository for this document can be found at https://github.com/internetsociety/IETF-Ornithology.

Last change: 2024-10-23, commit: ab85abe